Surface by Microsoft – Tablet

Surface by Microsoft

Today at Microsoft’s new product event, the company unveiled their new tablet to rival competitors like Apple’s iPad. The tablet “Surface” comes in two versions and a range of memory configurations.

Posting from the event Melissa Perenson of PC Advisor gave live udates via DemandMedia’s CoveritLive software.

OS: Windows RT
Weight: 676 g
Thickness: 9.3 mm
Display: 10.6” ClearType HD Display
Connections: microSD, USB 2.0, Micro HD Video, 2×2 MIMO antennae
Case: VaporMg Case & Stand
Memory: 32 GB, 64 GB

OS: Windows 8 Pro
Weight: 903 g
Thickness: 13.5 mm
Display: 10.6” ClearType Full HD Display
Connections: microSDXC, USB 3.0, Mini DisplayPort Video, 2×2 MIMO antennae
Case: VaporMg Case & Stand
Memory: 64 GB, 128 GB

Its clear to see that the future of computing is Mobile and all the big players are now heavily investing in this future.

PC Advisor + Microsoft + Something Fresh

Microsoft is unveiling something new today. Perhaps a new tablet, phone, OS, Xbox, something. In keeping up with the Apple’s of the work Microsoft is releasing their news in the same way. Letting the Hype build before an event by releasing only the minutest of information and letting people speculate.

The relase is being broadcast live today on PC Advisor’s website;

Where Melissa Perenson is giving a blow by blow of what she sees “live” by some kind of text service. And believe it or not, that is what I want to talk about today, not Microsoft.

Demand Media’s “CoveritLive” technology is driving real-time status updates from Melissa, inside that room. Yes, the one which is closed doors, invitation only etc.

One of the great features of the technology is that it seems to integrate well with their existing web page, and random folk can post comments, ask questions and get live feedback from someone right there. I love the way the internet has made sharing so easy.

I havent seen this before, so its interesting to see an event covered like this. Who care’s what Microsoft release today? CoveritLive cares!